Thursday, June 28, 2018

Electronic aids for the visually impaired

Continuing on the earlier post, another area of innovation is in providing help the visually impaired to move around. We are familiar with the white cane as a mobility tool. The modern technology has helped in the creation of the so called 'Electronic Travel Aids'. Such devices help the visually impaired get information on the surrounding objects on the road, With this one would be able to avoid obstacles and reach their destinations.


Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a device which helps to convert scanned images to text and this can be read out with the help of a Screen Reader. People suffering from any sort of vision disorder depend on their family members to read books/newspapers. The OCR makes things easier by scanning the required material and this can be read out by the Screen Reader. The advantage of this device is the disabled need not get any assistance in reading books/newspapers.

Similarly, digital audio player/recorders also help to reduce one’s dependence on their family members. They assist a visually impaired person to record any important information which includes appointments, contact numbers etc.

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