Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Esha Summer Project 2021 is here!

 I'm very, very happy to share that the Esha Summer Project, 2021 is actually going to happen! 

If your child can speak fluently in at least one Indian language (Indian English not included), please join hands to create audio content for our free online audio library  - 

What it is 

The Esha Summer Project is an annual volunteering project specially created for students. 
Every year, we make it possible for students to volunteer from wherever they are. 

Usually, the Summer Project has 5-6 options for volunteering. But this year, in light of the circumstances, only audio recording is being offered. 

What will we record? 

This year, the focus theme is OUR HERITAGE. 

We will record any of these: 

A. Proverbs with their meanings and application. 

B. Folk tales - the ones we hear at home, not from books. 

C. Classic books (authorised version only please) - I am recording the Arthashastra. You can record stories from your classics - Ramayana in most parts of India, Sangam literature in the South, etc. 

D. Poetry in our own languages

E. Classic Short stories in Indian languages 

F. Local traditions, lesser known festivals and celebrations 

G. Some native cures that are commonly found in our homes but not otherwise well known. 

H. Any wealth, trade, investment, or business management practices that we know at home. 

I. Any farming practices that are known to your community but not outside. 

१. कहावतें, मुहावरे, लोकोक्तियाँ 

२. किस्से , कहानियाँ, जो घर पर सुनाए जाते हों, दादी नानी के द्वारा। कितब से पढ़ कर नहीं। 

३. आपकी भाषा कि कोई भी जानी मानी पुस्तक -  आधिकारिक प्रति से ही पढ़ी जानी चाहिए। जैसे मैं अर्थशास्त्र पढ़ रही हूँ। भरत के अधिकतर राज्यों में रामायण पढ़ी जाती है। 

४ कविताएँ, जो आपकी भाषा में लिखी गई हैं, अनुवादित नहीं। साहित्यिक कविताएँ भाव सहित पढिए। 

५. आपकी भाषा में साहित्यिक कहानियाँ 

६. आपकी संस्कृति के रिवाज, रवायतें, कुछ ऐसे त्योहार जिनके बारे में सब लोग नहीं जानते। 

७. घरेलू नुस्खे जो आपने अपने बड़ों से सुने हों या जो आपके घर में होते हैं। 

८. कोई व्यापार, धन आदि से जुड़ी सीख जो हुमएन घर में दी जाती है। जैसे मेरे घर में सिखाया जाता था कि हथेली ऊपर होनी चाहिए, नीचे नहीं। यानि कभी किसी से उधर नहीं लेना चाहिए। ऐसी कोई भी सीख या चीजें जो हम घर में करते हैं। 

९. खेती से संबंधित कोई भी राज या बात जो आपके घर में पाई जाती है। 

This project has been well thought out. 

Our idea is to encourage young people to undertake a journey to  their roots, and to do so, they will need to interact with their grandparents and other older relatives of the house. We hope that this will lead to great conversations, good learning, and of course, creating a body of work that preserves knowledge that is slowly being lost to the metro Indian. 

Who can participate? 

The project is open to everyone from 12 to 24 years of age. We have 30 volunteer slots this year. 

How does this work? 

If you have never participated in the Esha Summer program, it works in a really easy way: 

1. You apply 
2. Someone from the PMO either calls or emails you and confirms your participation. 
3. You get the how to guide for recording. 
4. You are assigned a member of the PMO who will understand your interests and make your assignments accordingly. 
5. The assignment is given on Sunday. You have until Thursday to complete that week's assignment. Submission is on Thursday. 
6. The PMO rep assigned to you checks and confirms that the assignment meets the quality and is accepted. 
7. If you have thoughts on what you want to record next, please talk to the PMO person and tell them. Since the focus this year is to harness the wisdom we have at home and take for granted, we expect to hear from you what should be recorded from your culture :) 
8. You can participate for one week or all 6 weeks. 
9. Once the project is over, we will issue a certificate after 2 weeks. This time is needed for us to process the entire content and issue certificates. 


Registration: May 23rd to May 31st (or when we get 30 confirmations, whichever is sooner.) 

Assignment: As soon as you register and are confirmed. 

Recording till: July 15th

Certificates by: July 31st. 

Tell me about the certificate

Esha Volunteering Certificates are internationally recognised. The certificates are very specific. They indicate your time contribution, the languages you recorded in, and the no. of files. it is all verifiable online and with the organisation. 

Some exceptional volunteers in the past have also got letters of recommendation from us. 

Great! How does one register? 


We look forward to seeing you! 

Update: We reached project capacity within 2 days. Thank you so much for the overwhelming response. 

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