Friday, August 9, 2024

Volunteers Wanted for first year IIM Students

Esha is looking for 5-6 volunteers for this assignment. 

What needs to be done 

First year students at an IIM are facing some challenges with their academic content. There are some things that the screenreader is not able to read. For instance, graphs, figures, diagrams. 

They would like someone to read out these parts to them. 

Who can do it? 

Anyone with reasonable English fluency and some patience. 

Background in MBA or allied subjects will be helpful. 

How much time commitment is required? 

About one hour a day.

If every day is not possible, please indicate the days of week when you can be available. 

These sessions will ideally happen after 8:30 pm India time, so that they can do their studies after classes, etc. Therefore, working professionals can volunteer. (I did the session at 11 pm, basis mutual convenience).  

For how long is this needed? 

We will start with 2 months - August and September, and extend based on how the experience has been. 

Is there a minimum commitment of time from the volunteer? 

One hour, at least three times a week. Please volunteer for at least 3 weeks to understand what the work entails. 

Great! How to Sign up?